Yahoo Mail Accounts bouncing your mails

This is an early warning for those who used a Yahoo Mail Account to sign up.  The web keeps a record of how much “bounced” mail i send and gives me a grade on whether I spam or not.   Yahoo has taken an approach that after 90 days they don’t kill your account but they do bounce your mail. This is because millions of people use Yahoo to create their “spam” accounts. The address they never look at cause they just want access to a website nothing more.  Rogers Raiders doesn’t have a problem with that since i rarely send out mail.   But we do like to send out mail for a password reset at least 1 time a year.  If you don’t log in I delete your account so that we don’t have “fake” numbers when we talk to advertisers. I feel advertisers return best when they make a profit from the money they spent and while most of the users read without even logging in the upscale users who engage are always given more love. Our bounce rate with Yahoo is over 95% where our bounce rate with Google is only 3%  Plus Yahoo wants us to fight their spam problem for them by threatening our reputation because people don’t login to their Yahoo accounts and check their emails. This business practice is going to have us stop allowing Yahoo emails for sign up.   On the heals of Facebook and Google login issues we resolved.  I am trying to decide to put a Yahoo Login button probably should make a forum topic on it.
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