Troop Stats vs direct stats

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    • #208762

        Hi all
        I know this has not seen a lot of activity lately but was still looking for some help.
        do I have it correct that troop stats are divided by Distance, Cavalry, Infantry and added to there whole number?
        Or are they added to Artillery as well.
        I ask this as some tell me there divided by 4 by I don’t believe this as example you look at curiosity’s
        it goes 639.90 for cav, inf, dis. then 213.30 for troop so that’s a multiple of 3 correct?
        I ask this as other things in the game give a much higher troop payoff so was looking at using the system to bump my self up a bit.
        thanks for your help let me know your thoughts.

      • #208887

          Silver Membership

          who says they are divided?

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        • #208888

            Silver Membership


            All math has an equal sign =
            You cant divide by one side without dividing by the other
            You can’t sum one side without summing the other.

            In otherwords “someone” said it was divided because it was their preferred way of finding EQUAL

            Equal is the only relevant part of finding a formula that works the method can be wildly different from person to person.

            The RR links will always take you to CURRENT upload or the CURRENT Live event so good book marks.

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          • #209319

              thanks for the reply
              So if that is the Case what do you find more benefit.
              Troop stats or direct stats?
              Also health was always the best way to go first but that does not seem to be the case now?

            • #209506

                Silver Membership

                Troops stats proc other things in game and in my experience are worth a factor of 4 (probably where the rumor of divide by 4 started someone mishearing me on a Live.)

                I would rather have 1 troop stat than 4 bottom stats. Rumors that double the top for the bottom is just OCD talk and not math.

                The RR links will always take you to CURRENT upload or the CURRENT Live event so good book marks.

              • #209617

                  thanks for this.
                  I will move a few things around then. as I been working more on cav (50% cav 25% other 2) than troop.
                  will see how that favours me.
                  As I keep seeing 7k Troop as the norm now 🙁
                  thanks again.

                • #209649

                    sorry to keep asking but alliance asked another question on this topic.
                    In the past it was always Health (counter damage), Attack, Defence.
                    But now it seems most lean to attack.
                    What do you think the best upgrade order is?

                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                  • #209758

                      Silver Membership

                      sorry to keep asking but alliance asked another question on this topic.
                      In the past it was always Health (counter damage), Attack, Defence.
                      But now it seems most lean to attack.
                      What do you think the best upgrade order is?

                      Damage 1 % damage is worth 100% attack

                      The RR links will always take you to CURRENT upload or the CURRENT Live event so good book marks.

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                    • #209760

                        Silver Membership

                        The whole point to these new calculators is I am taking the thinking out of it. for 99% of the players.

                        Input some numbers and copy the already optimized march or have goals how to have that march optimized.

                        very KISS method on their side very complicated on mine.

                        The RR links will always take you to CURRENT upload or the CURRENT Live event so good book marks.

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