T11 vs t10

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    • #21517

        Is it possible to defend with an c32 successful against a c35 with round about 300 k March capacity???

      • #21537

          It is possible.
          Don’t forget that the stats are as important than castle level.
          But even if you have lower stats, you can wipe his march if you have a lot of troops.
          It depends on your definition of “win”.
          See you.

        • #21700

            Have you try taking out a C35 ? i don’t mean every C35 but if you actually get to work on it.. most of the C35 you can take them out.
            If you have done Musketeer Fort, that could be a way of helping you also..its only use top tiers but you can check on what power you can hit with your current stats. Another way to work on it is Spirit Mines..

            Just my 2 cwnts…. good luck.

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