Silver Membership not woking?

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    • #213629

        Silver Membership, Yearly Silver Raider

        I signed up for the annual silver membership but it doesn’t seem to be working for me. Everything I try to access still says it’s for Silver Level members only. Please help.
        Thank you,

      • #213634

          Silver Membership

          all fixed, I do apologize the company that makes the software for payments is working on why the levels are not stacking like they should.

          annual and monthly have same rights but different price but they are view as different kinds of membership and we need to fix either the member management or update ALL the content. both will take extensive time. I am focused on getting calculators fully visible for silver members once that is done i will devote time to fixing the flow of navigation vs my patch from a few weeks ago.

          The RR links will always take you to CURRENT upload or the CURRENT Live event so good book marks.

        • #213879

            Silver Membership

            Ok memberships are driving me crazy.
            Should be a linear role. free, silver gold platinum with the higher layer absorbing the ones below it.

            Then we add in monthly vs annual and all hell broke lose.

            the websites privilege’s manager is seeing Silver Annual memberships as separate from silver monthly and trying to fix that is causing new problems.

            There is a solution and its the sledge hammer one. I delete all members and try to reinstal them “new custom roles” that i created from scratch. This is being planned as final option.
            We had the ability for members to Mutliple layers of privelages and that jsut was not working but some accounts got setup on the multiple privelage system and I am moving them back one by one as we speak.

            The RR links will always take you to CURRENT upload or the CURRENT Live event so good book marks.

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