Inter Kingdom raids (IKE)

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    • #10824

        Looking for mor information on IKE. Points, plundering. What it means for an main Alliance vs farm alliance?

        Also any recent videos of actual game play.

      • #10905

          Farm alliance vs Main… A farm alliance is where you hold a second castle that is used to gather secondary resources for your Main larger castle. Usually placed around or near main alliance to protect it from larger enemy castles getting to close to attack.

        • #11180

            Are there buildings we actually plunder rss from like we do the crystals in UAC that we need to defend or are do we get the rss from hitting ppl?

          • #11255

              Ress from Hitting players only as far as I know

            • #11342

                Horrible money grab event. I am hanging out in my farm alliance, not even participating in this event. I lost a million troops, which will translate to an actual 40K loss. I got hit by a Billion power C40. Awful reach for money from GoG. I just built all those troops during the build stage. Plus I have to spend gold to bubble my castles for 48 hours? Just garbage. Money and time lost. Close to quitting this game…..

              • #11348

                  I got hit 1 min into the event by a c40 with 3800 stats. He lost his whole march but I lost all my t2s!

                  We have always had a ke so I’m used to spending gold on bubbles, not a big deal.

                • #11357

                    And everything else apparently….

                  • #11401

                      Silver Membership

                      I see the varied comments.
                      First KE has been around forever, THIS ke you only lose 10% of your troops. Blending strategy play with straight up kill play is not smart as it does cause frustration.
                      This is where you as a player need to learn new and better habits. Some kingdoms no KE rules or big don’t hit little’s rule are now GONE. The no tile hitting rule is completely on your own honor. I hit one tile on film just to see what effect is going to be.

                      The desire to be winning every encounter is not a “money grab” from you. but to be pushed to find ways to hide, avoid and GROW despite opposition shouldn’t be avoided or complained about.
                      If you put 100 people in a room blowing feathers from one line to the next 10% are going be the fastest feather blowers, 80% are going to be in the middle somewhere and 10% will not figure out how a straw works.
                      If i sell a leaf blower option to compete in that event who that 10% is will change but end of the day the same bell curve will emerge as 10% will not figure out how to turn on the leaf blower and 10% will control it with skill.
                      SET smaller goals for yourself I.E. upgrade 5 gems this month or get 5star on my main 3 guards. eventually you find yourself competing against that top 10 % when you take small steady steps.

                      The RR links will always take you to CURRENT upload or the CURRENT Live event so good book marks.

                    • #11665

                        It was a learning curve. That’s for sure..
                        But a money grab. They in this to make money. Name of the game. Should or would u work for free?
                        Event could use some tweaking. But had a good time. And like Gun says. Set small smart goals. And soon u will be the one feasting and saying hahahha this event is the best.

                      • #12600

                          Our IKE runs into UAC. If I Play the first 24 hours in one alliance for IKE then the second 24 hours in another for UAC, when I return after receiving my rewards for UAC to the first alliance will I be able to collect the RSS that I plundered on in the first 24 hours?

                          • #183238

                              Hi, the resources you plunder during raid you can earn in many alliances within the time as well as untagged- that’s yours. You can withdraw them until Tuesday 2 days after event otherwise they are withdrawn automatically at reset.

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