Inf attack stats decreased after update

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    • #22696

        I’ve noticed that my infantry attack has dropped by 230% after this last update. Has anyone else noticed the same? I do use Dominique in my march and that would be a bonus of 230%, so maybe there’s a glitch?

      • #22739

          I have multiple battle reports from before the update. Infantry attack is the same before and after. I don’t use Dominique though as Infantry attack is probably the single most worthless stat of them all. Probably even more useless than Distance Health…. Infantry is all about Defense and Health. It is the shield of your march. They need as much Health and Defense possible to keep you other troops alive. Your infantry do a very very very small amount of actual killing during an attack. The Killing is up to your Calvary and Distance Troops. Your best guards to use during a march are Anne with Gaston or Lucien paired with Arabah or Maupin with D’artagnan. Hope this helps.

        • #22766

            Thanks. I tried a few things out after posting and realized it only affects rg rallies where I’ve thrown her in my march. In fort and pvp I still recieve the guard boost. The definitely occurred after the update before the last (4.9.1?) and is still present in the most recent release. Unfortunately contacting gog for any type of support is worthless, with replies either being generic or they have no clue and claim that if they answer it would give you an unfair advantage.

          • #23217

              I havent notice it with my stats but I have notice that since the new update I seem to lose more calvary than usual. Before I hardly ever lost calvary but since the update I have been losing a lot more. Is there a chance that they may have change something in the battle equation that is killing off more of my calvary or is it just me.

            • #23224

                I’ve noticed that I’ll have a single cav in the hospital after most 33 rg rallies. Something is going on, there’s been, what, 3 updates in the last week or so? Plus, there’s been some weird stuff happening during events. Invisible castles, basically seeing a march come out of an empty tile and hit my castle, a castle that showed up as a c0, which isn’t even a thing, but in actuality was a c40. They need to fix alot. I have a ton of screenshots of these anomalies

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