How are raid match ups decided?

Home Forums Guns of Glory How are raid match ups decided?

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    • #26077

        Hey, so my kingdom has about 4 c40s and the kingdoms were facing all have about 20+.(150 & 200+ kingdoms older than ours)
        I know for UAC it’s power based and you can strip to even it out etc, but I was wondering if there’s a similar technique for KR? As we have no chance vs any of the 3 opposing kingdoms.
        Or is it GoG just trying to force some more extra buck out of our kingdom?

        Also do kingdom raid coins carry over? As we’re going to get smoked on this one, do raid coins roll over to next one? If so that’s probably our best bet.

      • #26528

          Don’t waste time stripping for UAC. That does nothing.

        • #26531

            Raid coins do not carry over

          • #27296

              Raid coins do not carry over


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