I put together a quick spreadsheet on what all the guard’s special abilities are. It lays it out pretty simply. I grouped them by the color of the guards. Then I did:
Infantry, Cavalry, Distance
Attack, Defense, Health, Damage
For resources it is:
All, Silver, Iron, Wood, Food
and then listed any March capacity increases.
As far as what to use when that depends a little bit on exactly what level some of your guards are and what you are trying to do.
I highlighted in RED the guards that would be good for the wall.
Anne -Infantry Defense/Health
Maupin – Troop Damage
Blanchet – Infantry Defense
Kity – Infantry Health
Pick the two that will help you the most.
For Beast/RG rallies
General Dumas – Chance to get double guard & Skill exp
When it is time to burn your farms and need a good load capacity
Henry II – Troop Load
Blaise Pascal – Troop Load
For Attacking Castles and such
Tough call here depends on what you are trying to do and what your stats are.
I would try and see how these (In no particular order) work for you:
Thomas Blood
You are all welcome to edit the spreadsheet as you like, just give me some of the credit when you do pass it on.