Like the title says, it was a huge mistake for me to do the Amazon thing. Wish I done more homework and thought more about it. I’m actually worse off now than I was before.
I’m not a big spender. $10-15 a week maybe. I figured 20% is 20%. Well found out that you only get the 20% discount on buying coins if you buy the $400 package. I can’t/won’t buy $400 worth of coins in one purchase. The 2500 coin package is $21.75 which is a 13% discount. Still better than nothing I thought. That was until I went to buy a $4.99 package. It’s 499 coins plus 49 coins for the tax. I’m charged a 10% tax on purchases through there so now I get a 3% discount. It ends up getting me 1 extra 99¢ package more than I would have if I spent the cash on Google play.
I am worse off because of having to uninstall the game and install through Amazon. I found GOG from an a couple of apps I have on my phone that pays me to play games. Once uninstalled, it is no longer tied to those apps. Neither one now shows GOG as a selection now so I can’t reinstall GOG back like I had it. It didn’t give me much, maybe $10-15 a month, but it went to my PayPal and used for in game purchases.
I guess the point of my little rant is a warning for other small spenders. Make sure you check out your tax rate and situation before jumping blindly into it. My mistake cost me about $10-15 a month in purchases.