Beginner Guides?

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    • #13356

        Let me make absolutely clear at first that this is NOT a whinge about this site or the fantastic videos on YT. I think it is amazing how much effort Donny is putting into helping others with GOG.

        I am a new player (roughly 2 weeks>) and have hit castle level 20 in kingdom #463 with a max pwr of ca 35m. Have begun watching lots of Donny’s videos and recognise I have made almost every screw up possible thus far…which is fine as I hopefully learn from my mistakes.

        My biggest issue with the videos is that Donny (probably unconciously) assumes a level of knowledge from the viewer that newbs simply don’t have…for example I have just watched the “Best Airship Ability Setup” video which discusses amongst other things a set up for Mega Rallies (whatever that is) and whilst I learnt some valuable things (eg. buy gears from Expedition points and events) I still didn’t get what I needed…e.g. I always have a red dot next to “Embed Parts” but when I enter the Parts Handbook screen it tells me that my lvl 6 Epic gold bearings are at max. The whole subject of the various handbooks baffles me and my Items page is chock full of stuff I have no idea what to do with.

        So my question to you all is where can I find guides / videos that really takes you through fundamentals from a beginners perspective?

        Thanks in advance for reading the wall of text and any constructive replies.


      • #13360

          Hi Barry
          I think the issue is the time you have started and where he is at this moment.
          what Donny has done is taken us on a journey with himself so you grow with him.
          But for a new player you would need to really go back and look into his old videos and walk throughs on the site.
          This is one of the reasons he wont talk about C40’s as he don’t have one.
          He is making an effort to redo his videos but as you know its hard to discuss what you don’t have.
          I get asked a tone of information from my alliance and I share everything I can to help who I can but its always with an approach of when you get the certain levels like key levels of castles C16 C26 C30 etc…
          there are video s out there as I have been following since C13 and I’m now a C36.
          Good luck brother hope this helps

        • #13649

            Thanks Anthony.

            Trying what you suggest but of course YT is notoriously rubbish for its search engine.

            Donny has mentioned a video looking at Coats of Arms and which buildings to upgrade in a specific order…can anyone help me locate it? No idea of the title itself and a search under COA within his channel didn’t help.

            Perhaps you have seen it recently?


          • #13939

              If not subscribed, do so. Then set some time aside and binge watch from his oldest post on.

            • #13653
              • #34637

                  Barry, I also recommend searching here on

                  Building Expeditions – Where do those stats come from

                  This is an article GunMuse posted with the video he did to explain what buildings to level and place banners, and in what order based on the benefit they provide. From the main page on, since you are a registered user to the site you should see a magnifying glass as your search icon in the top right-hand corner of the site. Use that to search for any topic you want to learn more about.

                  Lastly, I hate to plug a resource you already know about, but feel free to post a video or article here in the forums and ask questions. There are a lot of people here who can help clear things up for you if something is unclear. Trust me, you are not alone. We’ve all been where you are completely new to the game. was created with people like you in mind.

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