Battle Mechanics (PvP)

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    • #35541

        Hi guys,
        I‘m c40 and played multiple kingdoms, but still I am not capable in calculate the outcome of a battle. As I am a bit addicted to maths and I tried many times this sucks.
        Can anybody help me out and explain:
        1) are the soldiers matched on a 1 by 1 bais each round of attack or is it the entire block of subtypes that are fighting.
        2) the battle has 4 fields: Attack + defense of each attacker and defender. Is the defender always attacking the soldier that is attacking him or does he attack by the same abstract scheme the attacker does?
        3) if anybody has a sophisticated description or some math about the whole battle process, i would really appreciate it, if you share it with the community.
        many Thanks.

      • #35887

          First I want to ask what type of marches you send? Do you use one of the calculators here?

        • #35891

            Hello I have a few questions about pvp as well..I play GOG too but I’m now getting into king of avalon and was wondering about troop formations..donny said they were interchangeable calculators?so so are they compatible with each other for pvp formations or would I go some what based off of the pvp calculator?

            • #35907

                GoG and KoA are the exactly same games just different graphics

            • #36026

                Hello and thank you for responding back..I figured that much when I first started koa well which TROOP formation calculator will you suggest me using for pvp anything helps

              • #37685

                  I think this chart might help

                • #40141

                    Let me see if this works

                  • #42358

                      I do not consider myself an expert on this, but I think that the chart might be wrong. When you attack another castle, the defense attack firsts. I am not sure how it works if you include traps and artillery, but I do now that the L1 Distance from the defender’s castle attacks first before the attacking army does. Then other troop levels of the castle defense get to attack before the attacking troops do. And it is not in that simple order that you show in that chart. It jumps around types and levels.

                      I also know that there is a certain randomness to the attack and the order seems to change from one attack to another. It is almost like there are three or four different attack orders. I have not fully explored this so others can add their comments to this.

                    • #47551

                        It isnt as simple as the chart because I’m a c37 with decent stats and when hit by a big c40 I have the smallest defensive troops of each type die. So after the 1st hit on me my t2 infantry and calvary and t1 distance are the only ones that die. Then the 2nd hit it gets up to my t4 infantry and t5 calvary amd the rest of my t1 distance since I have 1M of them since like hardest said it seems like they do attack the attacker 1st. Then after that the rest of my defensive troops die and some of my offensive troops die starting at the bottom tiers up. I can post a report of this and you can make your own hypothesis of it.

                      • #67033

                          Lets work together on disecting this. This chart was found early on. I just found it again and posting for discussion.

                        • #138160

                            What i know of after lots of battles and from Don
                            1st liner to die
                            Infantry t2 t4 t6 t8 t10
                            CalvARY t2 t5 t7 t9 t10
                            Distance t1 t5 t7 t8 t10
                            then after this 1st liner dies the domino effect follows
                            Infantry t1 t3 t5 t7 t9 t11
                            Calvary t1 t3 t6 t8 t10 t11
                            Distance t2 t3 t6 t9 t11
                            Sorry i can give anything about t12 as i am just about to get there

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