Are the Farm Systems going to be More or less relevant due to IKE

Home Forums Guns of Glory Are the Farm Systems going to be More or less relevant due to IKE

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    • #9479

        Silver Membership

        Starting a topic of discussion on if you think that farm systems will be more valuable because of being plundered or less valuable because of the ability’s to plunder another kingdom?

        The RR links will always take you to CURRENT upload or the CURRENT Live event so good book marks.

      • #9529

          Plundering other kingdoms should yield more resources, initially. The key will be which kingdoms come together and which ones stay splintered. The splintered kingdoms will prob be destroyed on res pools until they learn to play together, even if just for 2 days outside kvk. The losers will be the small alliances without 35+ castles, those will depend on the bigs in that kingdom to help..shields becoming a premium.

        • #9832

            Gotta say coming from a small alliance and little disorganized.. don’t sound like fun. Lol but we shall see.

          • #12508

              The players in my kingdom loved the first IKE, with the second coming this week I believe it will not be as big of a hit with the same players. The kingdoms that got pillaged in the first one will slowly start shielding better and it will be harder to get the rss. Keep your farms boys, its just a phase.

            • #12520

                I loved it the first go around, but it also ended up being a very long weekend of GoG with UAC right after. It was good our Kingdom worked together. From smaller castles to the bigs. With more c40s coming up, it’ll help several alliances grow quicker. I was able to get around 100 million iron and over 35 million silver from really just around an hour of raiding. I let others in my kingdom know so they could come and raid at the same time. A lot of growth was accomplished from that raid. I also found out it’s not good to get a mega from a c40 with crazy stats and 4 or 5 other c40s in it’s mega. Fun Times!

              • #12528

                  IKE is pretty painful if you are not a C40. It is not much of an event. All that needs to be done is either use 2×24 hour shield on your castle or burn the farms before the event and then have them reinforce all the castles that have a 2×24 hour shield. Once that is done, there is nothing to gain from attacking during the event in that alliance.

                  It is just a big dick coiner show anyway.

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